Sunday, April 19, 2015


I was in three different schools for a total of 13 years, and I will continue to be in school for another 4 or more. I have changed into an entirely different person from the beginning of this journey of schooling, and I will probably feel like a completely different one by the end of it. I have had multiple different personalities depending on my age or maturity, which all contrast each other. I have made new friends and lost old one and will likely continue to make new ones and gradually lose old ones. I have learned countless new facts and pieces of information and forgotten much of it, and in some cases relearned it more than once. I have spent my time wisely and finished many assignments, but also wasted many days and weeks of time. I have been happy with my accomplishments and achievements and also wished that I had done more. I have spent much of my time playing different sports, but never really working at only one of them.

I was once a useless piece of meat that cried all the time and slept, but have now turned into something 10 times as big that is capable of abstract thought and making contributions to society. I have only lived a small portion of my potential life span, and yet somehow changed such a tremendous amount. I can't imagine what I will be like or who I will be with, or what I won't be like and who I won't be with. I can't wait for the future, yet I will likely wish that I could go back to the past. I am filled with wonder and hope at the thought of the future, yet it also brings fear and worry. I have lived a life of continuous change that has been influenced by my genetics and environment, and I will continuously change for the rest of my life. What will I become?


  1. Matt, this was awesome to read. All of our journeys have been slightly different, but I think at some point in time we all can relate/have related to every sentence in your post.
    You have been a great classmate, teammate, and friend. While you and I may change a lot over the next four years and beyond, the bond we have made in this program and in this school will have not, and I am excited to see what the future holds for you!

  2. This is great. I definitely relate to a lot of what you've said. I've had a lot of the same contradictions and it's really confusing and overwhelming, but I feel like I've learned a lot and it has helped me to grow. I personally don't think you, or anyone for that matter, was or ever will be a "useless piece of meat." I can see how you've affected others' lives and I know that you will continue to. I've loved getting to know you this past year(/this past month mostly? hahaha) and although we've barely made a dent in a friendship, I can tell you've got a lot to offer and that you're a truly amazing individual. I feel like you are strong and confident and unique. It seems like you aren't affected by what others/society says you should be like and I think that's a really important trait to have. It's kinda beautiful to not be part of the crowd.
    I think you'll definitely contribute to society and I can't wait to see what you can do! Thanks for being an awesome person and prom date hahaha.

  3. Matt-
    Two recommendations if you liked _Never Let Me Go_:
    - _Oryx & Crake_
    - _Z for Zachariah

    Best of luck next year!
